Welcome to VA’s Open Data Portal!
Open Data is an initiative that seeks to advance government transparency and promote innovation by making data accessible to the public. Using machine-readable data that the public can access, use, and share, Federal agencies can promote a more open and efficient government, identify creative solutions that can address existing challenges, and spur economic growth.
Enterprise Data Inventory
VA’s Open Data team is working to establish a new and robust portal where users can access data, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), tools and resources that can be used to develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and create stories directly from VA resources. When VA establishes this new tool, a more comprehensive Open Data Portal will be made available. In the meantime, VA’s Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI) can be found at data.gov. See link below.
Key Senior Evidence and Data Officials
Kshemendra Paul – VA Chief Data Officer Mike Freuh – Evaluation Officer Tom Garin – Interim Senior Statistician
Contact Information
If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about VA’s Open Data initiative, please contact VA’s Open Data Lead, Lisa Mavrogianis at lisa.mavrogianis@va.gov. For technical questions, please contact the OIT Open Data Team at OITOpenData@va.gov, or Tracy Pham at tracy.pham@va.gov.